Read and Reflect

Daily prayers and readings from SanctuaryFirst.

What's on at Fetteresso

Under 3's

Tuesday 10:00am,
Fetteresso Church

Paint and Pray

Tuesday 10:00am,
Fetteresso Church

The Guild

Tuesday 2:00pm,
Fetteresso Church

Community Cafe @ Fetteresso

Wednesday 10:30am,
Fetteresso Church


Wednesday 7:30pm,
Fetteresso Church

Under 3's

Friday 10:00am,
Fetteresso Church



Worship with us on Sunday Mornings at 10.45am

You can still find our online service on the Website home page if you are not able to come along. 

Our Worship


Sermon Replay

AM - Exodus 14 v15-31

Led by: Don Wood
Reading from: Exodus 14 v15-31

Missed a service? You'll find the past few weeks' worth of recordings in the audio sermons archives.


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